Multiple Opening Analysis
Did you know that if you have a bridge opening and one or more culverts at a single river crossing a Multiple Opening Analysis is required?
Well it’s been one year since I published “Breaking the HEC-RAS Code”. It was a lot of work, but I am very pleased to see how many people are making use of the book controlling and automating HEC-RAS with their own codes.
For those of you who haven’t discovered it yet, this book introduces the HECRASController, an API that gives you the ability to control HEC-RAS from an external application. If you have HEC-RAS installed on your computer, you already have the HECRASController! The book is written around Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), since most HEC-RAS users have Excel and many are already at least somewhat familiar with the VBA programming language embedded within. However, many readers of my book have expanded the concepts presented to other programming codes like Python, R, C#, Matlab, etc with great success.
“Breaking the HEC-RAS Code” unlocks the secrets to using the HECRASController. If you would like more information about this book, or the companion Excel workbook that contains code written for every HECRASController procedure plus example code for a variety of applications, follow the link below or shoot me an email.
Breaking the HEC-RAS Code
For those of you already making use of the HECRASController, let me suggest visiting The RAS Solution forum and posting examples and/or questions about your experience to the HECRAS Controller sub-forum. Good luck breaking the HEC-RAS code!
on October 30, 2015Hi Chris,
I am interested to use the HEC-RAS Controller with Matlab, but I didn't found the info in the forum as mentioned above.
Thanks a lot,
Chris Goodell
on October 30, 2015Hi Thomas-
There's a sub forum called HECRAS Controller in the main forum. Look for the folder that says "HECRAS Controller". I'm not sure there is any information specific to Matlab though.
on December 6, 2015Hi Chris,
I bought your book about two months ago and I am trying to control hec-ras from MATLAB with no success. You mentioned above that some people were successful in doing this using MATLAB. Can you share the email of the guys that were able to do this? My email is artuleon@gmail.com
Many thanks for your help!
on December 6, 2015Hi Chris,
I bought your book about two months ago. I am trying to control HEC-RAS using Matlab. You mentioned above that some guys tried to control HEC-RAS using MATLAB. Can you share the email of one or two of those guys?
Many thanks for your help!
Chris Goodell
on December 7, 2015Hi Art-
I don't have the emails of the guys on the forum. However, there are a couple guys in my company that I think have been dabbling in it. Let me check with them and get back to you. Do you have an email that I could reach you at?
Chris Goodell
on December 7, 2015Oops, I see your email in your other message. Got it. I'll let you know what I find out.
ari joseph
on April 11, 2018Hey Chris! So, I successfully ran your Monte Carlo code on n-values and am working to adapt it to my uses. Namely, 1) vary n-values based on the existing calibrated n-values at each cross-section (I think I can handle this using the parsing examples you've given), and 2) I want to output the WSE and Velocity from all the original cross-sections in the model and NOT the interpolated cross-sections. Could you please direct me to the proper solution?
Chris Goodell
on May 6, 2018Yes, I think you already have #1 figured out. For #2, While looping through all of your cross sections, check for cross sections that end in an asterisk (*). Those are interpolated cross sections. A simple If/then block will allow you to skip the cross sections with asterisks.
Matias Marticorena
on September 3, 2018For those interested in controlling HEC-RAS with Matlab, I've found this information:
Satish K Mantha
on December 25, 2018Hi Chris, thank you very much for this book and the HECRASController Code you have recommended at http://hecrasmodel.blogspot.com/p/book.html as well. However, there are some payment related issues and I'm stuck with a payment made and not receiving the file. I have sent a few messages through this form: https://sellfy.com/therassolution/contact/ but did not receive any response. Can you help?
Satish Mantha
on March 29, 2019Currently stuck on getting the Compute_CurrentPlan to work with R and R Studio. Do you have any references to help out with this?
Thank You!
Chris G.
on April 2, 2019I don't, but if you haven't already, you might try posting this to the RAS Controller forum (see link at the top of this blog).
on September 28, 2021Please, help me with the book “Breaking the HEC-RAS Code”
Kave Sadeghpour
on January 28, 2022Hello, I am kave sadeghpour, a MSc student of water resources engineering in the university of Guilan, Iran.
I studied your book entitled “Breaking the HEC-RAS Code: A User’s Guide to Automating HEC-RAS ” for my thesis. The content of the book covers my thesis subject, but I don’t have access to your book. I wonder if you could send a copy to me.
I really appreciate you in advance for your kind helps
Chris Goodell
on January 28, 2022I sent you an email.
Lotwick I. Reese
on February 2, 2023Hi Chris,
I ordered your book “Breaking the HEC-RAS Code” and got an e-mail with a download. I was thinking I would be getting the book (hard copy). Would that be possible? I would really appreciate getting the hard copy.
Thank you,
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