Offshore Wind

The United States has set ambitious objectives to bolster offshore wind energy, targeting 30 GW of capacity by 2030 and an additional 15 GW of floating offshore wind energy by 2035. This commitment to offshore wind resources is crucial for decarbonizing the electric grid and mitigating climate change. However, developers can face difficulty navigating the complexregulatory and permitting landscape. 

At Kleinschmidt, we pride ourselves on being a reliable partner, guiding clients through intricate regulatory processes associated with offshore wind energy. Our comprehensive understanding of regulatory requirements informs our strategic regulatory planning, resulting in efficient and streamlined milestones and deliverables. 

We have acted as lead consultant onmore than 125  projects involving the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We are currently managing a third-party Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed offshore wind project with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), and assisting with permitting and regulatory aspects of early-stage floating offshore wind and wave energy projects. Kleinschmidt’s five-decade history of providing exceptional environmental, socioeconomic, and engineering studies and assessments further reinforces our expertise. 

Our Services Include:

  • Third-Party Environmental Impact Statements 
  • Issue Identification and Scoping 
  • Alternatives Analysis 
  • Environmental Impact Analysis 
  • Study Planning and Implementation
  • Stakeholder Facilitation 
  • Cumulative Impacts Analysis 
  • Agency Consultations 
  • Mitigation and Enhancement Measures 
  • Record of Decision Preparation 
  • NEPA Training 
  • Development of complex regulatory documents  
  • Navigating the offshore wind regulatory processes 
  • Assisting with permitting and regulatory requirements 
  • Overseeing and conducting environmental and engineering studies 
  • Use of AI and custom-designed platforms for comment response

Our team of experts has vast experience in preparing Environmental Assessments (EAs) and Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) that comply with NEPA requirements. We have successfully completed projects that required collaboration with lead and cooperating federal agencies and possess a multidisciplinary scientific proficiency to assess environmental impacts. 

Additionally, we can assist with the development of Construction and Operations Plans (COPs), drawing from over 40 years of experience creating large, complex documents for federal and state regulatory processes. Our experience preparing Environmental Impact Statements for offshore wind projects for BOEM gives us a first-hand understanding of COP requirements and end-use of the document. This knowledge helps streamline the schedule and cost for our clients.  

At Kleinschmidt, we are committed to delivering the highest level of service and expertise in environmental assessments and regulatory compliance, dedicated to helping our clients achieve their goals. 

Sunrise Wind Farm Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

The Kleinschmidt Team is contracted to Sunrise Wind, LLC, but acts under the direction of BOEM as the third-party contractor preparing the EIS for the proposed Sunrise Wind Offshore Wind Farm.

Learn More!

Industry Associations

We actively participate in the industry as members of the Business Network for Offshore Wind (BNOW), American Clean Power (ACP), the Environmental Business Council of New England, and the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP) Offshore Wind Working Group. 

Click the image below for more information on our Impact Matrix.
The EIS evaluates potential impacts of construction and operation (including maintenance and decommissioning) of the offshore wind farm to natural, physical, historic, and socioeconomic resources. This series provides a snapshot summary of the potential impacts and potential consequences evaluated in an offshore wind EIS.

Fill out the below form and one of our team members will be in touch with you to see how we can assist you with your offshore wind project needs.

Offshore Wind Team

Kim Fitzgibbions, Principal Consultant
Tim Oakes
Tim Oakes, Business Sector Leader Power and Energy
Tracy Maynard, Fisheries/Aquatic Section Manager
Karen Bishop
Karen Bishop, Licensing Coordintor
Kevin Nebiolo, Ph.D., Regulatory Section Manager
Hannah Flanagan
Hannah Flanagan, Licensing Coordinator