Water Utilities

Water resource managers such as utilities, irrigation districts, basin commissions and flood control authorities strive to protect and provide reliable water supplies and enhance the resiliency of aging infrastructure while seeking to understand and adapt to uncertain future climate scenarios. They face supply uncertainty, increasing energy costs, flooding risks and a host of management issues to provide growing populations with the right quantity and quality of water.

Our team has been providing practical solutions for Water Resource Managers for nearly five decades. We began our consulting practice servicing the hydropower industry, providing water resources solutions to utilities and developers and work on the following projects:

Hydropower and Energy Generation

Fish Passage

Water Utility Supply

Stream and Wetland Restoration and Mitigation

Flood and Stormwater Management


Our goal is to arm decision makers with sound, scientifically based solutions, engineered to address future risks with our most critical resource – water. Our practitioners lead the industry with the development of risk-based applications and tools that address the movement and management of water across the land and within your supply systems.